Forests-Linkages with Growth and Development

Forests-Linkages with Growth and Development

Forests-Linkages with Growth and Development

The Forest, if have a look on themselves can find a drastic changes in the form of its own destruction. It’s pathetic but it’s a reality that of course we all knows but hardly realize. It’s a long time since the forest are being facing the destruction and human being are facing its bitter consequences. The human requirements , their demand and needs are  the main reasons for the drastic destruction

The dependency of human being on forest is demand driven .


The basic cause of this demand is Expansion of population .Forest provide woods in many forms . To satisfy the hunger, the need for  fire  wood was felt. Wood for construction of house and to have furniture etc. again started an increase in the  list of  human demands.

Pressure on forest

With the growth and development, human being felt the need of industrial Sector .With the booming industrial sector, the infrastructure expansion was felt and hence the need for construction of better roadways , railways were felt. This give rise to the have new settlements and  thereby  urbanization  came in to picture . Of Course ,all these are the sign of growth  but this growth , now seems to be very costly . An added pressure on forest in the form of demand for forest & its products is now being felt.

The need for Fuel has resulted in exploitation of tropical forests . The use of charcoal as a Forest produce  is now becoming an  important fuel ,especially for cooking..

With new settlement and urbanization , the  demands for forest are increasing .The thirst for forest products are posing a threat to the ecological conditions. With the destruction of forest , the soil , as one of the most important natural resource is facing the erosion . The soil erosion is taking away the important nutrient , humus and organic matter. The C/N ration is going down .With all these major disturbance in ecological balance , the nature is showing unbearable consequences like severe floods and even severe droughts. Time has now reached to realize that the growing  hunger of we human being  for the forest & land ,is hitting ecology of the country badly .


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