Heating The Milk In Haandi –The Traditional Way Of Milk Boiling

Heating The Milk In Haandi –The Traditional Way Of Milk Boiling

Traditional knowledge has a big role to play

Traditional knowledge has a big role to play in ensuring better life. Traditional way of milk boiling in big haandi is still prevalent in many villages of India.

Almost every traditional knowledge especially that is adopted in Agriculture and allied sector has scientific base.

Heating the milk in Haandi –The traditional way of Milk Boiling
Heating the milk in Haandi –The traditional way of Milk Boiling

The Traditional knowledge has a big role to play as it offers an immense potential for betterment of life. Certainly! there is need is to realize its significance

Boiling practice of the milk

Boiling practice of the milk is the way in which the milk is boiled. The boiling practice of milk should be done in such a way that it maintains the quality and ensure safety too.  

The excessive and constant heating of milk has its effect on milk quality. The nutritional quality especially the vitamins gets evaporated as a result of constant heating of the same milk.. Heating the milk at higher temperature for longer duration further reduces the quality.

Hence, the boiling practice of the milk needs better understanding. However, Boiling of milk is necessary to kill the microbes that cause diseases. This is again a fact that some microbes regenerates after a period of time, if gets required temperature to grow.

Traditional way of milk boiling

The traditional way of milk boiling in haandi is being practiced in villages. The milk boiling is done in big haandis in the villages.

Even as of now in some villages in Punjab and adjoining areas the traditional way of milk boiling in big haandi is still prevalent.

This helps in retaining the nutritional quality, taste and prevent from microbial disease.

Hence there is need to adopt traditional way of milk boiling.


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