Organic farming – A boon to Terrace farming in watershed

Terrace farming
The terrace farming is certainly not an easy task. It requires proper management in watershed. The soil is prone to erosion with increase in wind velocity and Rainfall intensity. The water and the wind are the main soil erosive agents. Organic farming – A boon to Terrace farming in watershed

Comparative advantage of terrace farming
However, in hills most of the lands are slopy and terrace farming is the only option left with the farmers. This existing condition should be taken as a challenge in watershed. The climatic conditions of hills are different from plains. The terrace farming in hills are having comparative advantages rather to say climatic advantage for supplying horticulture produce like Vegetables down to plain areas in times when there is scarcity of vegetables in plains. So, terrace farming in hills can take advantage of off season vegetable production grown through terrace farming in hills. This way the terrace farming can give more value of their harvested vegetable crops to the farmers in watershed .
Use of organic inputs for terrace farming
The terrace in slope breaks the length of slope .This way it reduces the velocity of flowing water moving as runoff .It helps in reducing the soil erosion. All this creates a condition conducive for cultivation of crops. However, organic farming in these terraces can further help in effective management of the terraces.

It is important to increase the carbonic content of the soil in terraces. Soil organic content modifies the soil structure .The organic content in the soil enhances the inherent capacity of the soil. Hence the soil in terraces can be kept intact.