Terrace Farming & its significance in Watershed Management

Terrace Farming & its significance in Watershed Management

The terraces that are used for cultivation of crops are made in the slope of the hilly tracts. The farming in these terrace is called Terrace farming.

Significance in Watershed Management

  • Enhance the use efficiency of land in hills
  • Enhance the crop production in hills
  • Provide an opportunity for crop production in tough terrain
  • Maximize the arable lands
  • Reduce the soil erosion
  • Reduces the water loss
  • Conservation and utilization of natural resources in efficient way

Countries in practice of terrace cultivation

Terrace cultivation is practiced in Asian & American countries. It is also practiced in Mediterranean region. African countries are also having pockets of terrace cultivation .Terrace cultivation is practices in:-

  • India
  • Andes of South America
  • China
  • Japan
  • The Philippines
  • Along with it is also practiced in other parts of the world having hilly terrain

Crops grown in Terrace cultivation

  • Rice, barley and wheat in Asian countries
  • Grapes are cultivated in Mediterranean region

Along with it Cultivation of Tea is also done in terraces in  different parts of  world having hilly tracts

Science involved in terrace cultivation

The terrace in slope breaks the length of slope .This way it reduces the velocity of flowing water moving as runoff .It helps in reducing the soil erosion. All this creates a condition conducive for cultivation of crops. It is more of management to conserve and maximize the Natural resources.


Specialty of Terrace farming

  • It has been in use since long time.
  • It is used for large scale farming in hills.
  • Smart and judicious use of available land and water flowing through it
    Bird eye view of Terrace farming in hilly tracts
           Bird eye view of Terrace farming in hilly tracts


    Terrace farming in hilly tracts
                              Terrace farming in hilly tracts


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