Global warming and Climate change is a big challenge

Global warming and Climate change is a big challenge

Global warming and Climate change is a big challenge

Global warming and Climate change, certainly! is a burning topic .The burn of Global warming and Climate change is a big challenge and are better felt especially by core group comprising environmentalist, economist and policy maker. Moving further in the issue, it can be seen that Global warming and Climate change is moving a step ahead from environmental concern to much bigger issue. Certainly, Global warming and Climate change is coming up as a challenge for the planet .Too much debate and discussion on Global warming and Climate change is going on in one or other part of this planet. Environmentalist, economist and policy maker are realizing that the time has arrived where the debate and discussion on Global warming and Climate change has to be materialized and hence the developed nations has to link its growth with a great concern on Co2 emission .

Global warming & Climate change- A sign of hidden poverty
                                   Global warming & Climate change- A sign of hidden poverty

Low carbon based driven growth strategies

Low carbon based driven growth strategies are becoming the need of the hour .Every country has a right to move towards development. No country wants to compromise its right to develop. The instability in climate due to already accumulated stock of green house gases is now forcing all the countries to join hands together and to work on low carbon based driven growth strategies .Focus on Low carbon based driven growth strategies has to be targeted in such a way that economic growth can move with a healthy pace but not on wheels of carbon based driven energy  


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