Agribusiness – its Significance in Watershed Management

Agribusiness – its Significance in Watershed Management
Watershed management term itself signifies managing the water and other related natural resources. Agribusiness has a significant role in watershed management.While managing the existing natural resources, it is important to provide sustainability and hence a planning should be done from sustainable point of view.

When the word sustainability comes in mind then it is important to look from multi directions. Yes! certainly a multi directional approach can better help any intervention whatsoever is taken in watershed management to become a sustainable .
For sustainability , it is important that the village community survives in the village and not go for unwanted migration. The presence of village community and their further strengthening give a thrust towards sustainability. So , it is important to think for livelihood enhancement.
Agribusiness -A better option for livelihood enhancement
One of the approach for livelihood enhancement is Agribusiness . Agriculture is main occupation done by village community in most of the watershed .Its open a way to link the livelihood to their harvested produce or other output from Agriculture and allied activities . So, a proper business planning can be done to have better source of income . This will prevent the unwanted migration and helps in achieving the sustainability .Thus, agribusiness -a better option for livelihood .

Agribusiness -its dependency on production
For any Agribusiness , the production acts as the main source and it is prerequisite to have a success in agribusiness . High production is not just sufficient for agribusiness . It is not the guarantee for better producer price realization. Rather it is important to think for maximum use efficiency of the harvested produce .
Agribusiness-Significance of Planning
Agribusiness can be in fresh form or through Value addition (packed form or processed form) . So, first of all there should be a planning for quantum of production. Such planning should be done right from the time the sowing of the crop is done in field. The expected production can increased or decrease depending on various agriculture production .The prior calculation on quantum of produce will help to an proper linkages to the market . Here comes the value of market linkages
How should be the market linkages

- The market linkages should be efficient and viable.
- It is also important to focus more on number of linkages . It is to be clear that selling the produce to a buyer can fetch a better price but again the sustainability of agribusiness depends on the no. of market linkages and the supply chain management .With more no. of market linkages , it will be possible to reduce the risk of selling a produce, in case one or 2 buyer for one or other reasons gets out of the supply chain .
- Not only this , more the number of buyer more will be the competition for the produce and hence make the produce become competitive . Agribusiness will enhance the value of the farmers produce and farmers can fetch better prices .