Biotechnology-Its importance

  • Objective of Biotechnology is to improve the quality of human life.
  • For the efficient manufacture or processing of useful products a controlled and deliberate manipulation of biological systems .
  • In a simple form, It is a technology based on biology – biotechnology (bio-technology)utilize cellular and bio molecular processes to develop technologies and products for improving the planets health.
  • As we have used the biological processes of microorganisms for more than years to make needful food products, such as bread and cheese, and to preserve dairy products.
  • At present , there are many biotechnology health care products and vaccines available to patients. Millions of farmers in all countries uses agricultural biotechnology to enhance the productivity and prevent damage from insects and pests and reduce farming’s impact on the environment. To produce bio fuels and chemicals from renewable biomass, which can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions , a number of bio refineries are also built for testing purpose.
  • watershedpedia

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