Watershed Management and Agribusiness -A Symbiotic Growth

Watershed Management  and Agribusiness -A  Symbiotic Growth

Watershed Management for the sustainability of natural resources depends on the inhabitants /People & Population in a micro watershed . Watershed manages the watershed area in such a way that people  do not  follow unwanted migration  and resides/stay back within  the villages /remote areas of the Watershed .

Of course! the watershed project can manage to construct the water harvesting  and other related structures in watershed but the further management for its sustainability depends on  inhabitants /People /Population residing in the particular watershed .The People with in watershed areas helps to maintain the constructed soil and water conservation structures  like Ponds, check dams ,diversion drains etc.

Watershed Management and Agribusiness -A Symbiotic Growth
Watershed Management and Agribusiness -A Symbiotic Growth

They follow and adopt different means  of maintaining the structures within the watershed by  making Asset users group like Water user group etc. So, Watershed management requires  the much needed concern of people for  sustainability of watershed management . As a Management strategy ,Watershed management, along with focusing on Natural Resource Management, focuses on enhancing livelihood opportunities of the people.

Agribusiness is one such means that  addresses and further widens the scope of  enhancing the livelihood opportunities.

Watershed management, in process of providing livelihood  opportunities through Agriculture ,addresses  the business sector  of agriculture . This way the people in the watershed are being  benefited. Eventually, a significant relationship of Agribusiness  with sustainability of watershed thus get  established  .

In other way, Watershed, in itself has integration of many Agriculture and allied sciences. Watershed Programme , creates  an opportunity for all favorable conditions for technical, Physical and financial  back up  for flourishing of agriculture production  and likewise further in expansion of Agribusiness .

From Agribusiness point view , it is tough to imagine Agribusiness to flourish better  in any management conditions other than watershed management. Indeed, the Watershed management, through various ongoing watershed projects has proved it.

This way, the Agribusiness provide a support for sustainability in Watershed management and in turn the Agribusiness sector gets much needed support from  watershed management. That’s how a  symbiotic relationship between Watershed management and Agribusiness exist .





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