Demonstration –its Significance in Watershed Management
Demonstration is one of the strong means to convince farmer for adopting an interventions in watershed management. In fact, it is a an important tool of watershed management that can in turn help in livelihood enhancement
Biggest challenge
The biggest challenge in demonstration is its Proper execution. Various directions are issued for planning and execution of demonstration. The directions are issued by taking utmost care of each and every step in such a way that the desired adoption of demonstrated intervention can be achieved.
Demonstration is meant to convince the farmers of any better interventions in benefit of farmers in watersheds. In most of the cases it has been seen that demonstration is not carried out in the way it was supposed to be executed.

The steps involved in demonstration are not executed as per requirement; As a result, the demonstration fails to show required results
It is important to follow or the required steps for successful execution of demonstration. Otherwise failure of demonstration will have negative impacts on demonstrated intervention.
Emphasis of Demonstration
Demo should be emphasis more on
- Introduction of Crop
- Introduction of Variety of crops
- On farm production of inputs –like Bio fertilizer, Vermicompost
Crop demonstration
–Crop introduction results in marked changes livelihood opportunities of a Watershed village .Introduction of Broccoli as a potential vegetable crop in hills. Broccoli is cool season vegetable crops that can successfully be grown in hills. Not only the production, but it is a crop that has high demand in hotels. Analyzing its importance in income generation through Agribusiness, broccoli can be taken as crop for demonstration.
Quality Seed demonstration
–Varietal demonstration is important in introduction of new variety so that higher production can be achieved. This will help later in better producer price realization ex Pencil bean (of seminis) French bean crop has tremendous potential especially in hills. Likewise, Himsona and Sahara var. of tomato has tremendous potential and hence can be adopted by successful demonstrations
On farm production of inputs
It is well known fact that the Bio fertilizer, Vermicompost are having fruitful results both in crop production and maintaining ecological balance. Hence, emphasis should be given on:-On farm production of Bio fertilizers and Vermicomposting.