Field day-Significance in Watershed Management

What is a Field day?

Field day is a method of demonstrating the  performance and profitability of new practices / technology  in farmers field or research farm so that farmers can adopt it.

Field day-Relevance to Watershed management

In Watershed Management, the management has to be done on sustainable basis .The watershed  programme

Field day
                                        Field day

involves different type of interventions linked with Agriculture , Horticulture, Animal husbandry, Livelihood enhancement etc . In fact, there is integration of many Agriculture and allied activities .For all this, to have success , it is important to have incorporation of new ,advanced  and farmers friendly technologies. Field day is an important way of technology demonstration so that the technology adoption by the farmers can be facilitated .


Field day -A way to adopt Technology

Field day should not be taken casually . It is not a training or workshop. Especially, while dealing with Watershed management, It should not just be taken as a mandate to complete rather it should be realized that it is a practical demonstration of technology in farmers field  . It is important that the demonstration is done with utmost care as later on  the farmers will be adopting  it in their field . Any leniency,  can create a barrier in proper understanding . As a consequence, the farmers may not be successful in adopting the technology. So, it is important that the demonstrator of technology  should realize the importance the Field day.


It is important that the farmers are convinced of probable benefits  of the new practices or technology  .This way the farmers can be motivated towards adoption of these new technologies. Quite often ,the farmers has doubt or  superstitions attached with new practices .During field day, the farmers has to make clear about the social aspects, If any  attached to the adoption of new technology. Field day also give an opportunity to the farmers to recapitulate or to enhance the learning about the practices.


How to proceed in Field day?

  • First of all decide the techniques/ practices to be demonstrated . for example – “Field bunding for Soil and moisture conservation”. The  Field bunding is already being practiced by farmers in demarcating their lands and for moisture conservation. So, it is important that all the significant aspect of Field bunding  is being dealt  during the Field day .The Farmers has to be made aware that field bunding is not simply constructing earthen bunds in field rather, it is important to  take care of length, width and  slope of the bunds .Emphasis has to be given on all other factors to be considered during  field bunding so that the farmers can understand the sustainability of  constructed field bunds.
  • Then, decide the location and time of field day . If the field day has to be done on farmers field then it will be wise to have demonstration in progressive farmer’s field . This provides an efficient way of technology transmission .
  • The Subject Matter Specialist(SMS)from nearby university, institute or (Krishi vigyan Kendra)KVK can be contacted to further enhance the effectiveness of field day.
  • Display of labels, banners and relevant publications should be done .
  • Facility of registration of farmers should be done . Media persons can be involved for better publicity of the field day so that it can reach far villages too .

Field day-How to Implement ?

  1. First of all, the participants/ farmers should allowed to assemble . The demonstration should start with the purpose of field day and significance of technology to be demonstrated.
  2. While explaining the technology, give suitable example of its adoption in other areas . The farmers should understand the value of the technology especially in terms of its profitability.
  3. The queries of the farmers should also be dealt during the demonstration.
  4. Ensure that the famers have understood he technology . The adoption of technology by the farmers depends on how much they are convinced and motivated .
  5. Later on distribute the relevant publications to the farmers.
  6. It is important to emphasize again  on the important points the technology as demonstrated during the field day.
  7. The Farmers should allow to share their views and to have their feed backs.

Field day -Follow up, an important step

Follow up is an important step that mostly is ignored or taken very casually. Follow up is an important step that infact helps to know the adoption percentage of technology as demonstrated in field day. This way the  success of the field  day can be analyzed.



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