Global warming and normal warming – its significance in life on earth

Global warming on earth
Global Warming and normal warming of earth
Global warming and normal warming of earth are the phenomenon that goes around the earth atmosphere as a result of green house effect. Both type of warming i.e Global warming and normal warming are having its own significance in life on earth. Global warming, infact is abnormal warming of earth and its atmosphere. Unlike Global warming, Normal warming is desirable and has its positive effects
Green house layer
Green house layer is a blessing to life on earth. This green house layer is an essential atmospheric layer that helps in keeping the earth hot for survival of life. Protection of the life on earth is possible through the protective covering of Green house layer. Normal warming on earth is due to Green house layer in the atmosphere but with time the thickening of green house layer is posing a serious threat .A Change in green house layer is converting the natural phenomena of normal heating in to in to abnormal heating.

Excessive heating
Excessive heating of earth’s atmosphere has resulted in excessive accumulation of Green house gases. Excessive heating of atmosphere is basically due to Industrial development in want of economic growth. The excessive heating of earth’s atmosphere has to be prevented to reverse the existing shift from normal heating to abnormal heating. Alternate options to reduce the excessive heating have to be incorporated in such a way that the economic growth needs not to be compromised.