Watershed interventions maintenance – Sustainability

Watershed interventions maintenance – Sustainability

Watershed interventions maintenance

In watershed development, the water harvesting and water extracting structures are constructed for conservation and efficient utilization of natural resourcesThe maximum utilization of stored water is ensured with better use efficiency of collected and conserved water Hence, it is important to have proper maintenance of the water harvesting and water extracting structures.

Watershed development – Aim

Watershed development aims at conservation and utilization of natural resources. There are 3 main natural resources – Water, land, and forestThe water conserved in soil can be use to provide moisture to the growing crops during dry spells. Likewise, stored water in tank is helpful especially in rainfed areas.

Some time it is seen that the water harvesting structure in watershed area are not in use.  Also the water harvesting structures that are in

Muddy & slippery area around water harvesting structure
Muddy & slippery area around water harvesting structure

use are not clean and are filled with impurities. The floor area near by the water harvesting structure often gets muddy & slippery .All this creates conditions that are prone to accidents

Maintenance of the water harvesting structure – Sustainabilty

For proper maintenance, it is important to constitute users groups in the watershed area .The Users groups should ensure to keep the water harvesting structures clean and should take the responsibility to maintain it properly.


Water harvesting structure not being maintained properly
 Water harvesting structure not being maintained properly

The Users group should deposit a fixed monthly fee during their monthly meetings. The savings by the groups can be used to repair the damage assets.The proper maintenance of the water harvesting structure can enhance its life and provide sustainability.



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