Watershed Management -Role of Mahila Aam Sabha (Women Common Meetings)

What is Mahila  Aam Sabha/ Women Common Meetings ?

Mahila Aam Sabha/ Women Common Meetings is  an innovative  step  in watershed development programmes that provides a platform  to the women masses for expressing and sharing  ideas, views and problems  through an  open meeting.

Women Aam Sabha
                                                                              Women Aam Sabha


Mahila Aam Sabha/ Women Common Meetings – Why it is needed ?

  • In general , the shy nature and other social reasons ,  acts as barrier for the women in Uttering words . Mahila Aam Sabha  provides a better freedom to exchange their views on watershed related activities.
  • More often , even if the woman do participate, they are not actively involved . So, simply their  presence is not  effective in getting their watershed related problems.
  • No social action plan in watershed management can be a success until and unless it has active involvement of women right from planning to execution.


How effective is Mahila Aam Sabha/ Women Common Meetings ?

  • The watershed related problems of women finds due place in watershed plan.
  • Mahila Aam Sabha helps to break  the big barrier  of  gender based hesitation .This way the woman masses gets a better opportunity to express  their problem  in an open discussion.
  • Once the problem comes from the group of woman’s in Mahila Aam Sabha , it widens the scope of solution to their  problems through  series of negotiations  with project staff
  • Mahila Aam Sabha provide a better scope in understanding the watershed related issues of woman masses.

Mahila Aam Sabha/ Women Common Meetings-Significance in Hilly areas

While discussing about the hills of Uttarakhand and adjoining Himachal Pradesh ,the involvement  of woman   becomes more significant  .  Here the   large share of economy is  women based . While making a plan for any schemes or for watershed programmes , the women’s role is significant. Likewise while implementation and execution of plan , it is important to include woman as an important stake holders .

Mahila Aam Sabha/ Women Common Meetings -Key benefits

  • Women get well acquainted to new upcoming technique in watershed management .
  • It provide a base for active participation of women in  agriculture , and allied activities
  • It provide a better scope for women to be linked with Income generating activities
  • It is nice platform for women to discuss and address their needs
  • It enhances  the information level of women  regarding watershed activities
  • Women’s needs and requirements related to watershed finds due place in watershed plan
  • It provide a platform for women so as to have complete involvement and taking part in decision making process


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