Efficient Watershed Management through IT (Information Technology) Part-II

Android technology

is playing a major role in monitoring the system. Here I will discuss how we can monitor the fields .

We already known that there  are vast number of Watershed Management Projects  going on in different  countries. Everyday thousands of structures in fields been constructed , without  creating a physical database though we make use of MIS(Management Information System) system  but then also an accurate status cannot be determined .

An android technology  is like a dream come true……like while sitting in an office your BOSS can monitor the field in which you are constructing any structure for ex -A Drinking  Water Tank , Drainage Channel etc. and off course the status of plantation.

Lets see an example :

In an image given below a whole monitoring system is been explained:-

Monitoring structures in a field while sitting in an office
Monitoring structures in a field while sitting in an office



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