Computer Science and Information Technology(IT)-Application in Watershed Management

Watershed Management is a broader term. Almost every country is managing its watershed to make a happy life. Computer science can do wonders in managing watershed. Since planning is back bone of any management project, the essence of this write-up is  to  emphasize on Watershed Planning. Planning in right direction will acts as power house and that in turn helps in successful execution of the project .

In the current  Digital era , at the planning phase itself , an online  Analysis system should be developed for of Watershed Management. For example:-

Online Detailed Watershed Report- While preparing Online Detailed Watershed Report, an online  Analysis system  should be developed in such a way that it will include the baseline. This baseline data  will act as a repository of  primary and secondary data of the specific watershed. The on line data information will include  information on Wasteland , Rain fed Agricultural land ,cropped area, water storage structures , depth of ground water , population etc.  All this collected data will help to assess the project performance at the end of the project

A Detail Watershed Report will act as an Atlas for all forth coming watershed development projects  and  can enlighten their steps for further development.


Computer Science and Information Technology(IT)-Application in Watershed Management                Computer Science and Information Technology(IT)-Application in Watershed Management


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