Kharif season sowing in its last phase
Kharif season sowing is in its last phase.
In this ongoing last phase of kharif sowing, an increase of 3.5% has been registered in past one week .The Kharif season sowing has covered an area of 97.63 million ha against the target of 105.86 million ha for this kharif season. This is 0.84% less as compared to previous year target
Rainfall status
For Rainfall status, the weather department has also said that that the rain fall is below by 5% of its normal since June 1st to 18th August. As per rainfall status, the rain fall was at 52.7 mm mark i.e. 16 % below the normal during the week ending August 16th
Planting of Rice
Planting of rice is expected to continue till the end of August .As per agronomist, the area i.e. planting of rice could increase. The planting of rice has been reported to increase by 0.42% over the previous year with a figure of 34.16 million ha. However the target set by state govt. is 39.59 million ha.
Planting of Pulses
Planting of pulses in some of the place is expected to continue till the end of Aug .As per agronomist, the area under pulses like short duration Mung bean could increase. Planting of Pulses is done in an area of 13.07 million ha which has covered the govt. target by 24% .Still it is less by 3.5% as compared to previous year .The farmer of flood prone area of Gujarat has been advised by the scientist to go for short duration crops of Mung bean .The planting of Pulses like Arhar, Kulthi, Mung bean is continued to be less this year and hence there is chance that domestic price for these pulses can rise in coming months .
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