Watershed areas under threat

Presence of low organic matter content in soil is posing a serious threat to watershed areas.
The low organic matter in the soil makes the soil more prone to erosion. The soil gets eroded fast and takes no time to get barren.
Watershed aims at checking the soil and water erosion. The soil erosion is one of the prime factors in conversion of cultivable land in to barren land.
Conversion of cultivable land in to barren land is welcoming unwanted migration. To check these migrations it is important to keep the soil healthy through increasing the carbon content of the soil.
The chemical fertilizer is used for nutrient supply to crop. However from sustainable point of view and for holistic development, integrated nutrient management in organic way should be ensured. Integrated nutrient management ensures sufficient carbon stocking in the soil. This carbon stocking prevent the top soil from getting eroded by the erosion. That’s how it plays vital role in preventing the lands from getting barren.
Practices to be followed in integrated nutrient management (INM)
For integrated nutrient management (INM) following practices should be incorporated.