Hill farmers –Focusing Agriculture allied sectors

Hill farmers –Focusing Agriculture allied sectors

In hill agriculture, increasing income through Agriculture is becoming a major challenge. The focus is on increasing the productivity of the crops so that the farmers can get better output per unit area. But there are few issues that are barrier to enhance agriculture productivity

Farmers cultivating agriculture field in hills
Farmers cultivating agriculture field in hills

Major issues – Hill Agriculture

The existing issues are compelling the hill farmers to divert their attention to other Agriculture allied sectors. Frequent change in climate and entry of wild animals in Agriculture field is becoming a serious threat.

1. Climate change

The Hill farmers are facing crop failure due to unpredicted weather changes. The recent rains in March 2017 have resulted in crop failure.

2. Wild animal attack

Wild animal attack is a serious issue in hill agriculture. Monkey menace is quite common in hills. This

Animal husbandry –ensuring income generation in hills
Animal husbandry –ensuring income generation in hills

problem is serious in Hill districts of both Kumaon division and Garhwal division. Cultivation of ginger and other spices has been recommended but the hill farmers are yet to get further better solution. Wild boar in Agriculture field is becoming serious pest in Rudraprayag and Pauri district of Uttarakhand.

The existing constraints have compelled the hill farmers to focus more on Agriculture allied sectors to maintain their income generation activities.

Agriculture allied sector

1. Animal husbandry

2. Bee keeping and

3. Focus on small ruminants especially goat farming

Goat rearing –Way of Farmers Income generation activity in Uttarakhand
Goat rearing –Way of Farmers Income generation activity in Uttarakhand


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