Potato Dry Rot – A fungal disease
Fusarium dry (Fungal rot) rot is the causal Organism
The Fungus is both :-
- a) Seed and
- b) soil-borne

How the infection begins
- During seed cutting, grading or harvesting and post harvest handling, the Wounds get created
- So, Infections begin mostly at wound sites
- This wound allows the Fusarium fungi to enter the tuber and spread
- Soil attached to tubers at harvest contains the Fusarium spores that can lead to infection during storage
- Once infection occurs, it slowly enlarges in all directions
- The fungus drying out the contents of the tuber
- As a result the Potato skin over the infected area sinks and wrinkles, sometimes in concentric rings.
- The fungus kills the cells of the tuber.
- As a result, infected areas are light brown to black.