Hill Agriculture -A move towards Diversified Agriculture

Agriculture in hills

Agriculture in Hills  is characterized by subsistence Agriculture. Especially in Grain crops like Wheat, Paddy and millets like Finger millet & Barnyard millet, the farmers use to harvest their output and store it for self consumption as a stock for the forthcoming year.

A view of Agriculture land in Uttarakhand
A view of Agriculture land in Uttarakhand state of India

The farmers also keep it to use at seed for the next cropping season. The local pulses like Horse gram and Ricebean etc also play a part of Hill Agriculture

Subsistence Agriculture to Diversified Agriculture

Subsistence Agriculture to Diversified Agriculture is a move that leads to profitable Agriculture. Various ongoing projects in Agriculture, Horticulture, Rural development and Watershed sector has brought in new interventions in Hill Agriculture.

This move has brought the rural community a step ahead from subsistence Agriculture to Diversified Agriculture for profitable Agriculture. The profitable Agriculture is characterized diversifying the produce and yielding surplus production.

The monetization of the surplus produce in best possible way will lead to good income. In fact the monetization of the surplus produce avail them an opportunity to strengthen their livelihood.

Agriculture as an enterprise in Hill Agriculture

Agriculture as an enterprise is taking up a shape in hill Agriculture. The capacity building of the farmers through training’s and exposure by various ongoing developmental projects  is bringing change in thought process and modifying their farming practices towards betterment. The farmers are now adopting off-season Vegetable production.

A view of Hill Agriculture
A view of Hill Agriculture

Off-season Vegetable production is the strength of hill Agriculture. Apart from it, orchard plantations and cultivation of medicinal plants are providing thrust to hill agriculture.

The surplus production is being done by keeping an eye on market. The farmers are harvesting good value of their produce in local markets itself. The understanding of demand and supply gap in local markets has opened a way for them to target the local markets i.e. the primary markets.

Certainly, Agriculture as an enterprise is in developing stage. However, Agriculture as an enterprise has to be considered from sustainable point of view and hence a consistent growth is desirable..


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