Significance of Fly ash in Agriculture

Fly ash in Agriculture
Fly ash is the residue of burning of coal and lignite. The coal has nutrient embedded in it. After burning of the coal the left out residue i.e. Fly ash has nutrient in it. It has both macro and micro nutrient
The fly ash is infact an organic source of energy. The addition of fly ash in agriculture field improves the soil health. This fly ash when added to the soil in agriculture field acts as soil conditioner .This way the physical properties of the soil gets enhanced.

The fly ash along with Farmyard manure improves the status and fertility of soil. It has no harmful effects on soil and plant .If use along with chemical fertilizer, the fly ash can also help in reducing the input cost on nutrition to the crop and hence can be a better option to reduce the net input cost and increase the Agribusiness profit.
The waste land development can be done through the use of fly ash