Toria –Threshing

About Toria
Toria is an oil seed crop .It is called as Rape seed. The scientific name is Brassica napus. The plant is vigorous and hardy .It is grown as short duration crop grown in between kharif and Rabi season. The seed rate is 3-5 kg/ha.
The Sowing is done in 1st fortnight of September in hills and in 2nd fortnight of September in plains. Toria can be grown in crop rotation with Paddy and Potato. The early maturing variety of paddy is taken in Kharif season followed by sowing of Toria .Later it is followed by sowing of early maturing variety of Potato in Rabi season.

The Seed treatment is done with Thiram or carbendazim. The densely populated plant should be well spaced by maintaining a distance 10-15 cm after 15 days of sowing. The harvesting should be done when 75% pod become silver-brownish colored. It should be followed by threshing and extraction of seeds.